Wednesday, May 2, 2012

week 2 blog 2: Lesson 5, poem 9: a rewrite

Original: The Mask

The Lone Ranger is no more
He no longer wants to hide,
Behind the mask
That changed his life, many years ago
There are dangers he still must face
And people that he still must help
Still he doesn’t care, he wants his old life back
Goodbye Tonto
Goodbye Scout
Goodbye Silver
 He takes of the mask, that hid his face
The Loner Ranger is no more
He now faces the world

Rewrite: The Mask

The Lone Ranger is no more
He can no longer hide
Behind the mask
That changed his life, many years ago
Both the mask and the silver bullets
Will no longer his symbol
He wants his old life back
Goodbye Tonto, Scout and Silver
He takes of the mask
And throws it to the ground
He now faces the world
As the man who was behind
The mask

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